10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Productivity
The COVID-19 pandemic has truly tested our productivity levels. Whether you thrive when working from home, or can’t manage to get a single thing done outside the office, there are simple things you can do to boost productivity in any environment.
1. Have a Designated Work Space
If you’re already back at the office, you probably already have this covered. But, for all of us still living the work-from-home life, this one is important.
At the beginning of the pandemic, home office was great! Taking calls in your sweatpants, finishing tasks from your bed, what could go wrong?!
The problem here is that your body will associate what you’re doing with the environment that you’re in. For example, if you’re working from your bed, your body will think it’s time to rest. If you’re working from a table or desk every single day, then that’s what your body and mind will be used to.
GoViral Tip: Just like how having a dedicated workspace can help boost productivity, nothing gets us in the zone like turning on some binaural beats. Binaural beats are a perception of sound created by your brain that is claimed to induce the same mental state associated with a meditation practice, but much more quickly.
There are a ton of different playlists you can find on YouTube and Spotify, try this one!
2. Get Organised
Such a cliche, we know. But like it or not, it really is a key to success. So, buy that planner, get some sticky notes, or open your Google Calendar and take notes.
Keep a Tidy Space
Just as it’s important to have a designated working space, it’s just as important to keep it organised. No one likes being surrounded by a messy or uncomfortable environment, and one thing shown to boost productivity is making a space feel like your own.
So, take 15 minutes and tidy up your office/table/room, or whatever type of space you usually work in. Organise your files (yes, even your desktop!). Get a couple of plants. Print motivational quotes or hang your favourite photos or fairy lights. Whatever makes you feel like you’re in a comfortable space of your own.
GoViral Tip: Did you know you can group tabs in Google Chrome? This is one of our favourite shortcuts. Just right-click a tab, select “Add Tab to a New Group,” and bam, no more overwhelming feelings of a cluttered browser.
Time Blocking
One really effective method for organising your time and staying on task is blocking out your day. Before the end of each work day, open your planner, Google Calendar, or whatever you’re using, and start planning the following day by blocking out specific times for each of your tasks.
Getting in the habit of time blocking will help you avoid those moments where you start a simple task at lunchtime, then look up at the clock and the day is over.
3. Create Habits
Humans love habits. We just work better if we know what to do. Therefore it is nice and so helpful to create your own little rituals.
Are you a journalist needing to stay on top of the latest news? Set an hour of undisturbed news-reading while enjoying your morning coffee.
Do you have some tasks you need to do every day? Set a fixed time when you will do it (remember time blocking?!).
Do you never remember to drink enough water throughout the day? Make a point to drink a full glass before your morning coffee.
It can be hard to get used to, but you will see that over time, these things will become second nature to you.
4. Set Realistic, Achievable Goals
When starting a new project, the finish line can seem so far out of reach. Don’t focus on that. Instead, break the whole project into smaller, achievable parts.
For example, if your annual goal is to increase your social media following by 30% by the end of the year, determine how many followers you want to gain each month in order to achieve your bottom line.
Not only does this method of celebrating little victories keep those involved motivated and excited, but it’s a great way to measure your progress and success while keeping your eye on the big picture.
5. Know When to Ask for Help
I know it’s easy to forget sometimes, but we can’t do it all.
We humans often tend to feel the need to have control over everything. And despite what we might have been taught growing up, asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, there is power and strength in knowing when help is needed.
Trust your team, it’s what they’re there for! Communicate your tasks. See where other skill sets can give you a hand. If you’re a team leader, delegate. Hire people you know that are better than you in each activity and guide them.
For those working solo, look into forums and FAQs online. Reach out to influencers or experts in your field. You would be surprised at how many people are willing to help.
6. Brainstorming
Nothing cures mental block and sparks inspiration like a good team brainstorming session.
No matter the task, whether it be content ideas, upcoming plans, strategy work, or even how you’re wanting to word a social media post for Facebook, take the time to sit down and talk things through with your team.
For all you freelancers out there, you don’t necessarily need a team to brainstorm with. Even asking a friend with no experience in your work to take 15 minutes to sit with you as you talk something out can bring insights and clarity you might not have had otherwise. Trust us, give it a try.
7. Take Breaks
Believe it, or not taking a step away from your work can actually lead to higher productivity.
You may feel that taking breaks will just result in wasted time, but taking even just 5-10 minutes to step away can help prevent burnout.
We recommend taking at least one short break each day. So step outside, stretch your legs, grab a coffee, feel the sun, get some fresh air. Whatever you choose, giving your brain a rest will help you stay fresh for the rest of the day.
8. Take Care of Yourself
During the height of working from home this past year, some of us picked up new hobbies while some of us binged Netflix and gained the “COVID 19.” It’s safe to say that the work-from-home life proved to be a test for our mental and physical health.
One thing is for certain: when you take care of yourself on the inside, it reflects on the outside. So, prioritising diet and exercise is a must for keeping your mind on track and productivity levels at a high.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to take on veganism and triathlons to be healthy. Taking control of your health can start in small ways like making sure you drink enough water, cutting out fast foods, dedicating yourself to 20 minutes of daily exercise, and making sure you get enough sleep.
9. Surround Yourself With Positive Energy
Nothing can be more motivating than a positive team who’s got your back, and in turn, a negative and unsupportive person or team can be one of the most counterproductive parts of a job.
A strong company culture is so important when it comes to how people think about their work. And when people feel good about where they work, the quality of work will come hand in hand.
If you find your quality of work or mental health being hindered by a toxic work environment, we recommend fostering open communication with your team to talk about how things could improve. If you still don’t feel comfortable or you feel this conversation isn’t possible, it might be time to ask if the job is worth your mental health.
10. Know When to Unplug
Going along with taking breaks and taking care of your health, it’s essential to know when to take a step back from your work.
If you’re a workaholic deemed with the constant anxiety that there’s always more to be done, we get it. But, constantly stressing about work after hours isn’t helping anyone. Finding your ideal work/life balance will help foster good mental health, a better attitude toward your job, and will ultimately lead to better productivity when you walk into your dedicated work hours.
So, when you come home after a long day of productivity, don’t be afraid to unplug, be proud of what you’ve achieved, and recharge yourself to be ready for the next day.
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5 Things to Know When Learning Facebook Ads
The world of Facebook advertising can seem overwhelming at first. With over 1,000 different targeting options, 11 objectives to choose from, and all the different ad formats available, it’s no wonder the internet is going crazy on how to crack the code to Facebook advertising.
1. Understand what goes into setting up an ad
First things first, you have to know the different components of an ad.
Step #1: Set your Objective.
Your objective is the result you want to get from your ad, and selecting the correct one will help you meet your goals. Facebook currently has 11 different ad objectives you can choose from.
- Brand awareness
- Reach
- Traffic
- Engagement
- App installs
- Video views
- Lead generation
- Messages
- Conversions
- Catalogue sales
- Store Visits
Step #2: Select your Audience.
Ahhh, targeting. This is where things can get complicated. Facebook allows you to select dynamic targeting parameters for your ads such as age, location, language, interests, demographics, behaviors, and more.
Step #3: Choose Ad Placement.
This is where you decide where you want your ad to be seen. You can choose to allow Facebook to use automatic placements, or you can determine them yourself.
Some placements include News Feed, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network, Video Feed, Stories, and more. You can even choose to target your ads to desktop or mobile devices based on what you know about your audience!
Step #4: Set your Budget.
This is where you decide how much you’re going to spend on your ad. First enter how long you want the ad to run, then you can enter a daily budget: an amount Facebook will allocate toward your ad each day; or a lifetime budget: an amount Facebook will allocate toward your ad throughout the entire time it runs. Learn more about the different ways to use your budget here.
Step #5: Format your Ad.
This is where you can get creative and choose what your ad is going to look like. Facebook offers a variety of ways you can play with the design of your ads with images, videos, and copy, which you can play with according to the ad placements you selected.
After you’re satisfied with these 5 steps, now you’re ready to launch your ad! But, it’s important to understand…
2. There is no secret formula for success.
After launching your ads, you’re not quite done yet. Unfortunately, success in Facebook advertising is not black and white. We often see many businesses new to Facebook ads get discouraged when they don’t hit conversion goals immediately. Well, we’re here to tell you this is normal. With all the different options for targeting, formatting, budgeting, and so on, it’s impossible to know what’s going to work without testing.
Be prepared to play around with different targeting, ad copy, images, and placements until you find what works for your audience. There’s a lot that goes into it! But, one step that will make launching successful, converting Facebook ads will be way easier is identifying your buyer personas. This will give you the best possible understanding of what your audience might be looking for, and how to reach them through your targeting.
A/B Testing
A/B testing allows you to run multiple different ads under the same campaign while directly comparing results. You can compare different images, headlines, copy, placements, and even targeting, and Facebook will show you what your audience responds to more! Trust us, this is a game-changer.
In summary, you need to constantly be testing, measuring, and optimising your ads. You can’t simply launch some to the world and leave them for a week. Well, unless you want to waste a lot of money.
3. Use retargeting.
Ever heard the theory that on average, a customer needs to see an ad at least three times before they convert? Retargeting new ads to people who have already engaged with your brand is one of the biggest missed opportunities we see for people new to Facebook Ads.
Facebook allows you the option to retarget ads to people who have already clicked on your ad, liked your page, visited your website, etc by setting up Custom Audiences.
For example, if someone clicks on one of your ads leading to a blog post on your website, they can be filtered into a custom audience of people who have taken similar action. Next time you run an ad, you can make it sales-focused and target it to all of the people in your custom audience.
Guess who’s going to be more willing to buy from your brand? Someone who has never seen or heard of your brand before, or someone you have already reached through your content? See where we’re going with this?
Using content marketing and retargeting features are how you turn clicks into real conversions and sales.
4. Determine a good method of tracking your ads.
Take it from us, it’s really easy to start playing around with different types of ads, tweaking small things here and there, and then all of the sudden you see a change and don’t know what started working.
How do you know if your ad is really working? Well, it depends on what your goal is (more on this in another article soon). Luckily, Facebook Ads Manager has a ton of built-in Ads Reporting tools that allow you to create, customize, export, share and schedule reports on your ad performance based on a set of parameters that you choose. You can look at how many clicks an ad gets, how many impressions it left, cost per click, and tons more. If this is too overwhelming at first, AdEspresso is a great tool to help analyze your campaigns.
5. Always be ready to learn.
“Always be learning” is actually one of GoViral’s 8 Company Ethos (Check out the full list here). It’s important to never be stagnant in your know-how, because if one thing is for certain, it’s that the latest trends and rules of digital marketing are constantly changing-and Facebook advertising is no different. Facebook is constantly refining and changing its rules, policies, and algorithms, adding new functions to Ads Manager, etc.
For example: Recently, Facebook posted that they will be putting a greater emphasis on building community through Facebook Groups. We wouldn’t be surprised to see the addition of advertising for Facebook Groups sometime in 2021.
To keep up with the latest changes, we recommend setting Google Alerts, following Facebook Community for real-time updates, and subscribing to newsletters from trusted sources. Some of our favorites are Social Media Examiner, and Hubspot.
So, be patient, be willing to try new things, and always be ready to learn.
Are you interested in leveraging Facebook ads for your business? Contact us below for help.
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5 Biggest Content Trends for 2021
If you live in the world of marketing, then you know that you can never get too comfortable in your know-how. And in light of the pandemic’s impact, shifting us into this new digital age, new trends are emerging faster than ever.
If you’re looking to improve your marketing strategy for 2021, one thing is certain: consumers want to be educated and supported through their buying journey more than ever before, instead of just being sold to. That’s why content still plays an essential role in building strong customer relations and raising the customer experience to the next level.
Here are some of the biggest content trends changing the game in 2021.
1. Leverage Video Content
Fundamentally, people still prefer video to all other forms of content when learning about new products and services. More specifically, 50% of online shoppers claim videos have supported their decision to choose a specific brand, product, or service. On the other hand, even 55% of people who shop in stores have admitted to watching videos before actually going to complete a purchase.
In fact, social apps have been making a shift toward more video-heavy content for quite some time now. We’re seeing more and more video-based apps, such as TikTok, and even other social apps we know and love incorporating more and more ways to use videos, such as the addition of IGTV and Reels on Instagram.
If you’re unfamiliar with Reels, they’re a very TikTok-esque feature on Instagram that allows users to create short, 15-30 second videos. It’s great for showing off new products, establishing brand authenticity, filming behind-the-scenes content, and doing tutorials in an easy-to-consume way, and the list goes on and on! Because this is a fairly new feature, Instagram pushes out Reels content like crazy, constantly being shown on the Explore Page and users’ feeds.
Here are some tips for increasing engagement on your TikToks and Reels:
- Use trending sounds.
- Keep up with the latest hashtags and trends being used, such as fun filters and transitions.
- If you’re speaking, add closed captions. It helps keep your audience’s attention and makes your content way more user-friendly.
- When posting reels on Instagram, always choose to post them on your regular grid as well as the reels section to ensure the algorithm pushes your content as much as possible.
Another aspect of social video to make sure you try to use live videos. Live videos have been found to be viewed three times more than traditional videos. Most social channels have the option to go live now, so don’t be afraid to try it out. And remember that these videos don’t have to be perfect. Oftentimes, your audience will appreciate real-time and non-edited content, as it can be more human and overall relatable.
2. Create Dynamic Stories
If you have eyes, you know that stories aren’t anything new. However, they’re becoming more and more essential to your social media strategy. Not only are we seeing more and more apps we know and love like LinkedIn and Twitter integrating stories into their platform, but also endless creative opportunities.
Here are just some ideas you can use for your stories:
- Create a poll or quiz
- Share your most recent In-feed posts
- As your followers a question
- Create a countdown to a product launch or big announcement
- Do story-takeovers to show your followers a behind-the-scenes look at what you do
Especially considering that you can now schedule stories in advance on many platforms like Facebook, there’s really no excuse to be neglecting stories in your marketing strategy in 2021.
3. Build Content Communities
Coming out of 2020, it’s safe to say we’re all familiar with the term “alone together.” Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone around the world sought out community online, leading us to our next content trend of 2021: Content Communities.
The rise of popularity with apps such as (yes, we’ll say it again) TikTok, and Clubhouse, have led to more and more niche communities surfacing online. If you’re a clothing brand looking to expand your reach online, maybe you start using #FashionTikTok on your videos and interacting with similar content. If you’re a subject matter expert on, let’s say, blockchain technology, you can start your own room in the Clubhouse app and invite people to hear what you have to say and engage. If you’re an e-commerce business selling health supplements, you can start a private Facebook group to share exclusive content with group members, and encourage them to interact within the group.
All of these examples, when used consistently, will help frame you as an expert in your field, lead to trusted followers, and eventually consistent conversions. Really, the opportunities are endless.
4. Take Advantage of Podcasts
Podcasts have taken the world by storm over the past few years, and they’re only getting bigger. According to the Statista reports, in the last decade, the number of people listening to podcasts has nearly tripled. In fact, 2021 is already seeing the highest number of listeners, holding the record for hours spent listening to podcasts with 15 billion hours compared to 12 billion just two years ago. A majority of the people who were part of the survey explained they mostly listen to podcasts to learn something new and get inspired. On the other hand, the research also showed that more and more people are not just listening but also engaging with the podcasts.
Podcasting is a great way to advertise your brand, reach new audiences, promote your expertise, or even to just talk about your passion. Making your own podcast is pretty simple, we even created this Intro to Podcasting Guide to help you get started. Check it out to start planning out how you can use podcast content as a part of your marketing strategy!
5. Repurposing Content Across All Channels
If you haven’t gotten it by now, there are endless opportunities, platforms and creative methods of sharing content online, but one easy way to make sure your content is seen is actually quite simple: repurpose your content across all your social media channels!
Examples of repurposing content:
- Cut short clips from webinars or live videos and repurpose them into shorter videos.
- If you post a blog, share some short bullet points from it in your story.
- If you post a TikTok, share it on your Instagram story.
- If you plan on going live, make a story about it, or even make a Facebook event to build traction.
See what we’re doing here?
Well, there you have it–GoViral’s favorite new content trends for 2021. If you want your content to stay relevant, concentrate your efforts on incorporating these trends into your digital marketing strategy. Regardless of your business being B2B or B2C oriented, bear in mind that you can use any of these trends, in both cases, to gain a competitive advantage in 2021.
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